Opt Out of Debit Card Overdraft Fees
Save money on overdraft fees by opting out of your banks automatic coverage.

3 Strategies to Eliminate Debt
Getting rid of debt is not impossible, learn these 3 strategies and begin to eliminate debt
from your life.

How to Get out of Debt
Plan your attack on debt and change the way you manage money.

Reduce Debt with Bargain Shopping
Get what you need and want all while saving money through online bargain shopping.

Lower Credit Card Interest Rates
5 Easy steps to lower your credit card interest rates and save money.

Your States Statute of Limitations
Learn the amount of time a creditor can sue you for a debt according to your State.

Zombie Debt
Learn what to do when old debt, charged off debt comes back to haunt you.

Debt Validation
How to halt the collection process by requesting a collection agency to validate your debt.
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Recent Topics
More Debt Articles
debt settlement,settle debt,how to settle debt with creditor
Settle Debt with Original Creditors

Get tips to settle debts for pennies on the dollars with
original creditors and save money and your credit rating.
Original creditors can be less flexible when it comes to
debt settlement. However you do not have to be the best
negotiator to settle your debts because you have the best
leverage, the money the creditors want.
Read more
Settle Debt with
Collection Agencies
The first thing you should
keep in mind when
settling debt with a
collection agency is that
they have only paid
pennies on the dollar for
that debt.
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Good Debt vs.
Bad Debt
Not all debt is bad,
learn the difference
between good and
bad debt. Good debt
is debt that holds a
future payoff to you.
Paying off bad debt
will save you money.
Read more